IPFS over Storj Backend
11-16, 11:15–11:30 (Europe/Istanbul), Geneve & Luzern Theater

How to run IPFS service and utilize Storj decentralized storage on the backend for better reliability and cost structure.

Chainstack, a web3 infrastructure provider, has recently launched our IPFS service.

To make the service work in truly decentralized manner, we utilized decentralized storage powered by Storj. How was this possible? What was the outcome? What the obstacles we overcame during this journey?

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See also: IPFS_over_Storj-slides (643.8 KB)

Last 15 years Vasily is building B2B products for data centers, cloud management, virtualization, storage and networking. The current Vasily's place is Chainstack where he is responsible for the product team to deliver the best in class a blockchain managed service.

Before that, in Acronis, Vasily was leading the product team to deliver a cloud data center operating system with focus on data security, protection and privacy. There are more than 1500 commercial deployments on such system at customers' locations with up to 250 Petabytes of protected data.

Vasily has Master of Computer Science and Master of Business Administration degrees. Aside his main work, Vasily is teaching Product Management in online schools and communities, and share his thoughts about technologies, future and society in a telegram-channel @futurioo