Boom! by Tableland
11-16, 13:30–15:00 (Europe/Istanbul), Geneve & Luzern Theater

We’re inviting developers and innovators within the Filecoin and IPFS ecosystems to propose talks for an electrifying session we’re planning called "Boom.” It will serve as the lightning talks session at IPFS Connect and aims to spotlight significant technical advancements and in-flight projects within distributed storage and blockchain technology.

Veering away from pitches or shilling, we’re calling for presentations that dive into the code and share technical insights. Each talk, limited to 5 minutes, will adhere to the Ignite/Pecha Kucha style, promoting a clear and concise conveyance of ideas.

Carson does research and development with @textileio and @tablelandnetwork. He's also a former university professor turned distributed web and open source advocate. Carson enjoys working on advanced data structures and peer to peer protocols. He also runs on trails and tells dad jokes.

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