IPFS + Browsers: synergistic decentralization for the masses
11-16, 10:15–10:45 (Europe/Istanbul), Asuka Theater

The combination of IPFS built into a browser forms a very synergetic relationship for the adoption of web3. It's currently already been done once inside Brave and we should be pushing for further support in other browsers at places like W3C. In this talk we'll cover the advantages and Disadvantages for deploying DApp's on IPFS and how this leads to more decentralized architectures which are disguised as modern web apps in Web2 when using a browser like Brave with IPFS integration.

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Kyle Den Hartog is helping to promote a work where the web can be more private and secure for everyone. This desire led him to be an eager contributor to the design and development of standards in the decentralized identity space. This lead into other work on the web through contributing to EIPs, W3C, and IETF more recently. Loaded with a Bachelors of Arts in Computer Science from the University of Iowa, a penchant for applied cryptography, cybersecurity and privacy-enhancing technologies and a need to further enhance mankind’s symbiotic relationship with technology, Den Hartog launches himself headfirst into active like-minded communities that embrace these topics.

When Den Hartog isn’t cooking internet standards for breakfast, eating code for lunch, and consuming knowledge for dinner, he enjoys skiing, golfing, and traveling. Originally born and raised as an American, Den Hartog claims New Zealand as his new home after traveling there and falling in love with it’s landscapes and laid-back culture.